Krits Kreations
Krits Kreations

We are based out of Ontario, Canada. My name is Kristen. And I started "Krits Kreations" originally to just have a name on my artwork that I was sharing on Instagram and TikTok. I live with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), and I know first hand how difficult and destructive it can be not only to everyone around you, if you have it, but to you.

A lot of people think that people with BPD are just manipulative, and liars, and are just up to no good basically. To put it lightly. But they don't seem to understand that we are suffering immensely from our mental illness.

Often times we are very hard on ourselves for it, and for what it does to the people we love the most. Often times we are left alone with nobody but our own brains to keep us company and to love us. Which is next to impossible when all the people that are supposed to be there for you and care are nowhere to be found.

So, my people, I made this shop for you. For us. Because I know that we are not bad people. I know that we do not have any ill will in our hearts, and I know that all we want is to be loved as hard as we can possibly be loved.

Welcome to Krits Kreations, your FAVORITE BPD clothing store, and who knows, maybe the only BPD clothing store. :P

I will be adding new designs all the time, because this is what I do between work clients, and when Im sitting all alone at night. My heart is with every single last one of you.

I love you, and I love us. Because we are way too epic not to.

Thank you for visiting :)

We are based out of Ontario, Canada. My name is Kristen. And I started "Krits Kreations" originally to just have a name on my artwork that I was sharing on Instagram and TikTok. I live with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), and I know first hand how difficult and destructive it can be not only to everyone around you, if you have it, but to you.

A lot of people think that people with BPD are just manipulative, and liars, and are just up to no good basically. To put it lightly. But they don't seem to understand that we are suffering immensely from our mental illness.

Often times we are very hard on ourselves for it, and for what it does to the people we love the most. Often times we are left alone with nobody but our own brains to keep us company and to love us. Which is next to impossible when all the people that are supposed to be there for you and care are nowhere to be found.

So, my people, I made this shop for you. For us. Because I know that we are not bad people. I know that we do not have any ill will in our hearts, and I know that all we want is to be loved as hard as we can possibly be loved.

Welcome to Krits Kreations, your FAVORITE BPD clothing store, and who knows, maybe the only BPD clothing store. :P

I will be adding new designs all the time, because this is what I do between work clients, and when Im sitting all alone at night. My heart is with every single last one of you.

I love you, and I love us. Because we are way too epic not to.

Thank you for visiting :)